Wednesday, November 27, 2019

The rise and fall of Napoleon Bonaparte Essay Example

The rise and fall of Napoleon Bonaparte Essay Example The rise and fall of Napoleon Bonaparte Paper The rise and fall of Napoleon Bonaparte Paper Essay Topic: Things Fall apart First, how did Napoleon rise up and embrace his conquering persona? Second, how did Napoleons greatest flaws lead him to crash and burn towards the end of his life, but what does a great leader truly consist of? The definition of a good leader can go on and on, but there were specific details that made Napoleon rise as a conqueror, and also things that led to his inevitable downfall. In his life, Napoleon proved that he was not a person to be made an enemy of. There are many qualities that Napoleon held that made him the leader we know from history books. Many people argue that Napoleons quality as a commander led him to both his success and his downfall. Early in Napoleon! Career, he gained trust and support from many people by showing that he was for the people. Bonaparte made a display of republican virtues; cautiously avoiding all ostentation, and in this respect, put himself on a footing of perfect quality with persons of ordinary standards in society. 1 Napoleon created a reputation for himself and gained support of the pope. Smart man like Bonaparte knew that he needed to have the support of the people. In his career, whether it was just a normal citizen, or a soldier, Napoleon had a way with his words to gain supporters. Bonaparte played HTH ole of what politicians do today, which is to say what the people want to hear. For example, Napoleon preached about equality and liberty constantly so the hopes of the people and soldiers are constantly renewed. 2 Some people even thought of him as a military genius. 3 He made smart and spontaneous decisions on a battlefield. In addition, Napoleon also was adept at organizing and rounding up his troops. He built moral for his troops by constantly encouraging them, and gave the soldiers medals as a positive reinforcement for their work. He proposed that a medal should be given to IM, with a sum of money, and in his honor he established a prize of sixty thousand francs, to be awarded to anyone who should make a discovery. 4 This example shows that Bonaparte not only gave medals to his soldiers, but also gifts of francs. Besides the anticipation of rewards, his charisma made him a leader people could willingly follow. These are one of the successful traits Napoleon had that led him to become a leader that was admired. He was well respected, because he constantly rewarded people for hard work, and he constantly raised people up. This is what a good successful leader olds on to. One Napoleonic scholar calculated that Napoleon had only lost out of 34 battles between 1792 and 181 5, during which he became a very powerful man. Carl von Casualties even hailed Napoleon as, the God of War. 5 With a record of accomplishment that fearsome, it is easy to see why many people were afraid of Napoleon, other than the sheer size of his army. With that name, Napoleon became well known and feared among the nation in Europe. Whenever a battle would break out, Napoleon would focus not on conquering the land, but on how to destroy the opposing army. There are n. Recipe or definite rules, Napoleon also stated, the art of war is simple, everything is a matter of execution. 6 Napoleon always had a clear goal, he believed that good timing and improvisation was all that was necessary. In this nature, Napoleon was successful. He always led in smart tactical ways, but also made adjustments according to what was best. Some people even might say he was more lucky than clever, but many of Napoleons battles were won by planning, but more importantly smart improvising. Napoleon made decisions based off of what he thought was best, he excelled at peopling his resources, using a keen understanding of terrain to slowly take key areas. 8 This was until later in his life, when he lost some Of his sharpen* as he became increasingly obsessed with conquering Europe, and with many years of war under his belt, his body could only take on so much. While in power, Napoleon established himself as a skilled as legislator and diplomat, study of these achievements could rival those of his campaigns for size and depth, but it is seen that his talents were deeply flawed and even fervent supporters admit that Napoleon made mistakes. G During the 1 sass, Napoleon was established as the First Consul, he was a dictator with a constitution written protecting his power. Without an extraordinary capacity for work, no man could have done this. Napoleon would work until eleven oclock at night, and be up again at three in the morning. Frequently he slept but an hour, and came back as fresh as ever. No secretary could keep up to him, and his ministers sometimes went to sleep in the Council, worn out with the length of the session. Come, citizen ministers, he would cry, we must earn the money the French nation gives us. 10 As you can see, Napoleon used his power somewhat responsibly. He preached to his ministers that the would have to use the French nations tax money usefully, and not waste it. He slept for very little and showed that he was very ambitious. Napoleon was not the best legislative leader, but he did a good job. Bonaparte wanted to create a great and strong country for the French. Even though later on in his career many people said, he became very power hungry. After years of battle, in order to fill the gaps of the empire, Napoleon was forced to start recruiting less skilled men. With the recruitment of less skilled men, tactics became less sophisticated and more wasteful in terms of human lives. Napoleon still gained success, but at the lost of great casualties. 11 Later on IR Napoleons campaign, he started sacrificing quality for numbers; this was a slow start to his slow downfall. In 181 2, he decided to start attacking Russia, with a vast army numbering in the six hundred thousand. An army like that is very hard to control and hard to feed. Napoleon was aiming to take the Russian army head on, because he would dominate the battle that way, but the Russians just kept retreating. They would slash and burn everything while they retreated, so the French would be traveling in the cold and at the same mime be without food. 1 2 Napoleon saw this, yet he didnt turn around and postpone the invasion, instead he kept going. His pride would not let him turn around, even though his men were losing moral and starving. The invasion of Russia, greatly hindered Napoleons power at the time. The success of many great leaders sometimes comes from a very humble beginning, but in the midst of all these years of battle, Bonaparte became very obsessed with gaining more and more power, that he forgot what he started with and lost power slowly. Heavy campaign after heavy campaign took a toll on his troops and himself as a person. If you see portraits of Napoleon, his health is clearly deteriorating. The emperors refusal to acknowledge anything except French self-interest eventually drove the other powers to reorganize and to coalesce for long enough to ensure his defeat. His inability to compromise forced them to conclude that there was no prospect of a lasting settlement and that therefore renewed war was the only course of action. 1 3 The quote clearly states that, Napoleon was a great leader to the French, but beca me self centered, because he started to try to conquer everything near him. Instead of making friends, he made enemies all around him. His hunger for power caused countries to form together and fight against him. This is one of the great flaws Napoleon had towards the end of his career. Bonaparte never compromised; he always strives to get what he wants. Towards the end of his long career, Napoleon had many countries against him. The dominance of Napoleon and the war of 1813 and 1814 united all the European nations, summoned by their monarchs and fired by the call of freedom and citizenship. 14 The quote stated that, because of Napoleons great power all these countries gathered together just to defeat Napoleon. Napoleon did eave allies for a certain time, but these allies were more allies made, because they feared the power of Napoleon. The allies lay on the right bank of the Rhine. The battle of Aviators had given the Spanish boundary to Wellington, and the English and Spanish armies were on the frontier. The allies that remained with the French were not to be trusted. All Europe was marching with us a year ago, Napoleon said; to-day all Europe is marching against us. 1 5 This quote states that during this battle to Wellington, the general talked about how their allies from a year ago, had become enemies. This was al from Napoleons selfishness to seek the best for the French. His single- minded patriotism led him to fall into a pattern he normally strays from. Napoleon was the first man to help perpetuate a European wide warfare that lasted for 20 years. 1 6 Just think about how Napoleon started out as normal general and eventually became one of the most feared persons in all of Europe. After seeing many success Napoleon had as a military and political leader. Napoleons great success was inevitably shattered by the later times in his conquests. He had serious flaws, we learned that Napoleon was very good t fighting decisive battles. It was proven in Russia that Napoleon seems to have lost his cool by chasing Russia with no steady food supply. The more serious flaw in Napoleons intellectual makeup was his impatience, his low boredom threshold, his sacrifice of reason in favor of imagination and his desire to make policy on the wing, to improvise and to sacrifice simple solutions for more complicated. 17 It can be seen throughout his lifetime that Napoleon was impatient and always wanted to jump into battle and improvise through everything. It is seen early in his career, that people were often thrown off guard and Napoleon was proven successful. It was until later in Napoleons career that these habits started to stab him in the back. His impatience proved to be a fatal flaw in his career, this led to the fall of his army when he split into two fronts. Even with early success in his strategies, as great leaders must learn, people must change with the times and cure needs Of the world. As we can see, Napoleon Bonaparte was a great milt leader. He had an almost never-ending list of success. Bonaparte proved he had many traits of a great leader. He was devoted, loyal to the nation, was easy to follow. Napoleon had charisma of a great leader. Many soldier followed him to their death, because of what he spoke and preached ABA Napoleon was truly a great leader, but in the end, he did fall. He made mistakes that many great generals make. Bonaparte underestimated his enemies when he split his army in two fronts. After splitting into two frown Napoleon struggled. Even when conquered and exiled, Napoleon still can back and tried to fight in Waterloo, 18 where he lost tragically. Overall Napoleon proved he was a strong and great leader, but in the end his owl pride, impatience and greed led to his inevitable downfall. Notes . Array Edward Marmoreal.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Delete Questions in ACT English 6 Strategies

Add/Delete Questions in ACT English 6 Strategies SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Brace yourself for some more ACT English fun. Add/Delete questions are a common type of rhetorical skills question on the ACT English section. These questions ask whether you should add or delete a sentence or phrase within a passage. They test your reading comprehension and ability to analyze sentences within a passage. In this post, I'll do the following: Explain add/delete questions. Teach you the basic constructions of add/delete questions. Provide example questions. Give you strategies and a step-by-step approach for answering this type of question. General Construction of Add/Delete Questions Being able to quickly identify an add/delete question on the ACT will be helpful in determining how to go about finding the answer. Here are the constructions for the different types of add/delete questions you will encounter on the ACT English section. Add Questions This is the general construction of an add question: At this point in the essay, the author is considering inserting the following sentence: Should this sentence be inserted? A. Yes, because... B. Yes, because... C. No, because... D. No, because... Add questions are two part questions. First, you have to determine if the sentence should be added and if it logically fits at that point in the passage. Then, you have to identify the reasoning for why the sentence should or shouldn't be added. Now, let's take a look at the general constructions of delete questions. Delete Questions There are two primary types of delete questions. Type #1: Kept or Deleted This is the construction of the first type: At this point, the author is considering deleting the following sentence: Should this be kept or deleted? A. Kept, because... B. Kept, because... C. Deleted, because... D. Deleted, because... These are also two part questions.You have to determine if a sentence or phrase is relevant at that point in the passage. If it's not relevant, then it should be deleted; it has to be necessary in the context of the passage. Next, you have to determine why it should be kept or deleted. Additonally, there is another type of delete question. Type #2: Primarily Lose This is the general construction of the second type of delete question: The writer is considering deleting the phrase or sentence...If the phrase or sentence was deleted, the sentence or essay would primarily lose: For these questions, you have to analyze the purpose of a phrase in a sentence or the purpose of a sentence in a passage to determine what thesentence or phrase provides to the passage. Follow these steps to right answers! Strategies for Add/Delete Questions After you identify an add or delete question, you need to know the strategies and steps for correctly answering the question. First we'll go over how to tackle add questions. Add Questions The following excerpt is taken from the last paragraph of a passage about fixing raptor feathers: 75. At this point, the writer is considering adding the following true statement: The imping procedure is just one of the many responsibilities bird rehabilitators have. Should the writer make this addition here? Yes, because it reveals the relative importance of imping compared to the other work of bird rehabilitators. Yes, because it reinforces the idea that imping is of great benefit to raptors. No, because it goes beyond the scope of the essay, which focuses on how the feathers of certain types of birds are repaired. No, because it undermines the essay's earlier claim that imping is the most important work that bird rehabilitators do. #1: Analyze the Added Sentence to See What It's Doing The excerpt that I gave you describes the imping procedure. Earlier in the passage, the definition of imping is given: The added sentence is discussing the activities of bird rehabilitators more generally. It's placing the focus on bird rehabilitators and what they do. #2: Refer Back to the Passage to See if the Sentence Should Be Added Given Where It Would Be Placed The added sentence mustbe relevant in context. For our example, thesentence should be related to imping. For ACT English passages, you can typically determine main ideas with the title, and, if necessary, the first couple of sentences of the passage. For our example, the title is Fixing Raptor Feathers. Here are the first couple of sentences: Raptors, or birds of prey, cannot afford to begrounded for weeks waiting for a large number offlight feathers to regrow. They must be able to fly ifthey are to hunt and eat. Based on just the title and the first couple of sentences, we can determine that the focus of the passage is on fixing raptor feathers. Therefore, the sentence would not be an appropriate conclusion because the passage is not focusing on bird rehabilitators or their responsibilities but on the importance and process of fixing raptor feathers. #3: Answer the Yes or No Question First Because the sentence would not logically fit in the context of the passage, we can determine that the answer is no. #4: Eliminate the Two "Yes" Answer Choices or the Two "No" Answer Choices Since we have determined that the sentence should not be added, we can eliminate answer choices A and B. #5: Provide the Reasoning in Your Own Words In my own words, I would say that the sentence should not be added because the passage focuses on fixing raptor feathers, not on the responsibilities of bird rehabilitators. #6: Pick the Answer Choice that Most Closely Matches Your Reasoning Answer choice D is wrong because nowhere in the passage does the essay claim that imping is the most important job of bird rehabilitators. Even though it's possible that imping is the most important job of bird rehabilitators, you can't assume that's true unless it's directly stated or inferred from what's written in the passage. Answer choice C is the onethat most closely matches our reasoning. The added sentence would be outside the scope of the essay because the essay's focus is on fixing raptor feathers. Delete Questions Now that we've covered add questions, let's go through how to answer the two types of delete questions. Type #1: Kept or Deleted The following excerpt is from the first paragraph of a passage on a potter's kiln: #1: Determine the Purpose of the Deleted Portion You have to figure out why the phrase or sentence is included at that point in the passage. What's it doing there? In our example question, the phrase "and transform glazes to glorious colors" provides more information about what a kiln does. #2: Refer Back to the Passage to Determine if the Deleted Portion Is Necessary Given Its Context and the Passage's Focus For our example, we have to determine if providing more detail about the purpose of a kiln is relevant to the essay's focus. Once again, let's look at the title to determine the main idea. The title of this passage is The Potter's Kiln. Providing more information about the purpose of a kiln is indeed relevant to the essay's focus. #3: Answer the Kept or Deleted Question First Because the phrase provides a relevant detail about the passage's focus, the phrase should be kept. #4: Eliminate the Two Kept or Deleted Answer Choices We can eliminate choices C and D because we have determined that the phrase should be kept. #5: Provide the Reasoning in Your Own Words I would say that the phrase should be kept because it provides descriptive information about kilns, the topic of the passage. #6: Select the Answer Choice that Most Closely Matches Your Reasoning Answer choice A is wrong because the phrase has nothing to do with the time-consuming process of painting pottery. The phrase simply mentions that a kiln can transform glazes to glorious colors. Answer choice B is closest to our reasoning. If you follow these steps and comprehend the meaning and function of the deleted portion, you should be able to arrive at the correct answer relatively quickly. Now, here is the process for answering the second type of delete question. Type #2: Primarily Lose Take a look at this actual ACT "primarily lose" question: #1: Determine the Purpose of the Deleted Portion To determine the purpose of the deleted portion, first look at the sentence without the deleted phrases. The sentence would read, "By contrast American society has often been described as one that values youth over age." In that sentence, the contrast is different and less descriptive. Therefore, the phrases make the contrast more descriptive and specific. #2: State What Would Be Lost In Your Own Words We can say that the sentence would be less descriptive and have a different contrast if the phrases were deleted. #3: Eliminate Wrong Answer Choices The correct answer must state the purpose of the phrases. Incorrect answers can sound logical, but they will not match the function of the phrases in the specific sentence. Only consider the specific portion that would be deleted. Answer choice "F" is wrong. The phrases "the vibrant energy of" and "the wisdom and experience gained with" do not show a personal or reflective tone. That's not their purpose in the sentence and there's nothing about those specific phrases that indicates a personal or reflective tone. Answer choice G is wrong. I think we can all admit that there is nothing inherently funny about those phrases. Answer choice J is wrong. Nowhere in the sentence does the author indicate a preference. The phrases are both positive. #4: Select the Answer that Most Closely Matches Your Own Answer choice H is correct. The phrases are details that illustrate the contrast. American society does not just value youth over age, but American society values the vibrant energy of youth over the wisdom and experience gained with age. Let's reviewsome general tips to help you with all add/delete questions. Quick Review: General Strategies Follow this advice when answering add/delete questions. #1: Determine the Purpose of What Is Added or Deleted In order to answer any add/delete question, you need to figure out what purpose theaddition or deletion serves in the sentence. The "primarily lose" questions are directly asking you to determine the purpose of a phrase or sentence. #2: Refer Back to the Passage to Help Determine the Context of Added or Deleted Portions and if Added or Deleted Portions Logically Fit Any added sentence should logically follow the previous sentence and connect to the following sentence. Itshould also be relevant to the focus of the paragraph or passage. A phrase should be deleted if it's not relevant to the purpose of a sentence. A sentence should be deleted if it falls outside the scope of the essay or doesn't logically follow the previous sentence. For delete questions, another good strategy is looking at the sentence or paragraph without the portion the question is asking about. Then, you can more easily determine if deleting that portion would be appropriate. #3: For Two Part Questions, Answer the First Part First For add questions, answer the "yes" or "no" question first. For delete questions, answer the "kept" or "deleted" question first. #4: Eliminate Wrong Answer Choices For two part questions, you can immediately eliminate the two answer choices that don't match your answer to the first part of the question. For "primarily lose" questions, eliminate the choices that don't match the purpose of the phrase or sentence. #5: State Your Reasoning in Your Own Words For all add/delete questions, state why something should be added or deleted ordetermine what would be lost in your own words, before looking at the answer choices. #6: Select the Answer Choice That Most Closely Matches Your Reasoning Ideally, you will see an answer choice that is almost identical to your reasoning. That should be your right answer. If there's no answer choice that matches your reasoning, work backwards to identify the correct answer. Start with a possible answer choice and determine if it correctly answers the question. Or, if time permits, review the question again to make sure you didn't make a mistake. What's Next? Make sure you're comfortable with all of the different types of rhetorical skills questions that appear on the ACT English section. Some examples of these types of questions include macro-logic, relevance, and author main goal. Are you making one of the 8 most common mistakes? Learn how to avoid them with this post. Rhetorical skills like Add/Delete questions are harder if you don't understand the big picture. Make sure you know the best way to approach the passage. Want to improve your ACT score by 4 points? Check out our best-in-class online ACT prep program. We guarantee your money back if you don't improve your ACT score by 4 points or more. Our program is entirely online, and it customizes what you study to your strengths and weaknesses. If you liked this English lesson, you'll love our program.Along with more detailed lessons, you'll get thousands ofpractice problems organized by individual skills so you learn most effectively. We'll also give you a step-by-step program to follow so you'll never be confused about what to study next. Check out our 5-day free trial:

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Why Did The Scramble For Africa happen When it Did Essay

Why Did The Scramble For Africa happen When it Did - Essay Example European countries headed by Germany, France and Britain. During the conference, the African continent was divided, and different countries given colonies which were to be considered as their territories. This meant that if a country had been allocated a colony then other countries were not allowed to venture into such a country. Before missionaries came to Africa, the continent was neglected by Europe since they felt it was not of any value to them. But after the missionaries went back to Europe and reported on how Africa was rich in raw materials and minerals, European powers started to have an interest in the continent. Otto Van Bismarck came up with the idea of the Berlin conference because it was inevitable for conflicts to come up between European powers who wanted to own many colonies in Africa (Evelyn, 2010). The conference aim was to make sure that this did not happen by dividing the African continent instead of countries fighting over them. The African continent was divided as follows: France was given much of western Africa where it controlled countries such as Senegal and Mali. It was also given part of North Africa such as Algeria. Britain was given most of Eastern Africa such as Kenya and Uganda and part of North Africa, for example, Egypt. Germany got countries such as Tanganyika and Namibia. Other countries that were also given some partitions in Africa included Spain which controlled Morocco, Portugal which controlled Angola and Italy which controlled Somalia. Causes for the Scramble for Africa to Happen when it Did One major factor that contributed to the partition of Africa at the time it happened was the industrial revolution. The industrial revolution happened in the late 1700s to the early 1800s (Evelyn, 2010). After the industrial revolution, there was a huge demand for processed goods. This in turn resulted in the demand for raw materials such as coal, cotton and minerals in order for factories to keep up in satisfying the huge demand fo r processed goods. Getting these raw materials from Europe was becoming a headache since they were being depleted. This resulted in European countries looking for raw materials in Africa. The only way they would have been certain that they would fully exploit these raw materials is by colonizing African countries (Hodge, 2008). The abolishing of slave trade also resulted in the

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

First of all i would like you to choose for me the name of famouse Essay

First of all i would like you to choose for me the name of famouse companies has crisis such BP just example i would like to ch - Essay Example It will provide all information regarding the problems faced by the company. The problems were more internal than external due to which a company that was claimed to be the world leader sometimes was been seen with an eye of doubt by its stakeholders and the consumers. The report will also highlight the major issues the company had with its products and the steps taken by the company to rise from this set back. The company gives a good example of how any organization needs stability and consistent approach of quality in its products. Also, it highlights that the work of its employees is not only on the functioning of the processes but also there is a responsibility they hold towards their own customers and stakeholders who wants to know a clear picture of the company. They are the ones who need more communication and to build this picture in front of them, it is recommended to work constantly in this direction. Overview of the company and the issues faced Mattel is considered once th e leader in the toy company in the whole world. Mattel was introduced as a garage workshop. It origins in 1945 in Southern California. The products is brought in early 80’s include match box, custom motors, Polly, barbie, casketball queen, battle force and monster high, and game consoles. It also found its space in the list of 500 largest industrial companies (Torget, 2002) Mattel won the title of being in the first 100 of "100 Best Corporate Citizens" Mattel is currently operating in more than fourty three nations with a huge work force of 31,000 people which is also and approximation with its headquarter in EL Segundo in California, United states of America. It is very great to hear that it is selling globally in more than 150 countries and since then expanding. Mattel claims many crowns due to the innovative work. One of them is "World's Most Ethical Companies." (Mattel, 2011). It is now a world leader due to the huge success and innovative ideas it has bring with it. With the introduction and success of Barbie in the year 1980’s it conquered the world leadership. Like various leaders in the world market, Mattel has attracted media due to its high growth and influence on the market. It also somewhere led to consumer distrust. Further, Mattel came into highlights when it started outsourcing its processes which also means loss of hundreds of American jobs to Asian nations due to cost. It also led to the moment of human rights organizations to take action against Mattel. But Mattel was consistent in telling the outside world, the investors and stakeholders that is it growing and there are no problems with its functioning but the inside story was something else which was highlighted to the outside world in the early years of 1994 (Morgenson, 1999). Next decision which turned down the trust of investors was turning to mergers and acquisitions for growth. The buying of Companies named Tyco Toys Inc, Pleasant Company, Bluebird Toys PLC maker of Polly Pocket and Learning Company. All the companies were bought at unusual high prices then the company‘s annual sales (Morgenson, 1999). In 2000’s, in view of taking the recovery actions towards transparency and corporate social Responsibility, Mattel started taking moves in the direction of regaining the trust and confidence among its consumers and investors. With that the operations team was also working judiciously to manage and bring up the

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Reporting Practices And Ethics Paper Essay Example for Free

Reporting Practices And Ethics Paper Essay As you visit a medical clinic or hospital you may have concerns about the medical care you will receive. You would hope that you will receive fair and ethical treatment from the staff. It is the responsibility of the staff to do the best job possible to service not only the paient but also the employer. There is a need for an ethical foundation, especially in the health care setting. According to Bringing Ethics And Integrity Into Focus (2012), â€Å"Patients and family members desire high quality care, patient safety and the latest medical technology. But, ultimately, trust in the integrity of the caregiver is the foundation for their peace of mind.† Elements of Financial Management Financial management is vital to an organizations effectiveness. Financial management consists of four elements. The financial manager takes the necessary steps to identify and organize the organizations objectives. This is the element called Planning. Controlling is when the financial manager ensures that the plans set by the organization are being followed properly and efficiently. The financial manager then makes the decision of how to use the resources of the organization to carry out the plans that have been established. This is where the organizing and directing comes in. The last step that the financial manager makes is the decision making process. This is where the financial manager will make informed choices through primary tasks of analysis and evaluation. Accounting Principles and Financial Ethics Standards It is very important that accounting and financial professionals abide by the ethical standards that regulate what kind of business is conducted, how they use their skills and who they serve. This is called Gernerally Accepted  Accounting Pricinples. Ethical standards are determined largely by professional accounting and finance organizations and the Financial Accounting Standards Board. Accountants and financial professionals must continue their education and practice the ethics that prepare them for their positions, and they must also continue that education by learning new information that can affect their practices. Accountants must be objective, avoiding conflicts of interest. They must not, for instance, perform accounting services for firms that they have a vested interest in. When working with a clients financial information, financial professionals have access to a great deal of personal information. This is not only limited to financial information but also includes the names and contact information of employees as well as the names and locations of firms with which the company does business. Financial professionals are required to keep that information private except when ordered to disclose it by a court of law. Keeping information private is an example of an ethical standard. Another example of ethical standards of conduct and financial reporting practices would be the company Enron. Enron is a company known for its ethical scandals. Enron was unethical due to the fraud that was committed by its top executives. On paper the accountants made Enron more powerful than they appeared. Subsidiaries, known as special purpose entities have a single purpose and it was not necessary that they were included on Enrons balance sheet. These subsidiaries were used to hide risky investment activities and financial losses. (Folger, 2011). It was later determied that Enron assets and profits were inflated, and even fraudulent and non-existent. Enron was one of the worst accounting scandals of all time. Conclusion With the Enron scandal, organization ethics are more important now than ever, but not only does it make a businesses practice sound, it also allows the employees of the organization to go by a higher standard of integrity in their daily functions. It is more critical in health care settings than any other environments that there is an ethical foundation. It is important that health care staff conduct themselves with integrity, honesty, and respect for others and health care organizations must adopt standards of professional practice and having ethics is critical to the care patients  receive. . References Bringing ethics and integrity into focus. (2012). Retrieved from Folger, J. (2011). The Enron Collapse: A Look Back. Retrieved from

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Secondhand Smoke Essay -- Argumentative Persuasive Example Essays

Thesis: Smokers usually move through five stages to quit smoking, and non-smokers have to help them constantly and carefully. Credibility Statement: In high school health class, we have been taught about how smoking cigarettes affects our body. But my school had a different program compared to other schools. There was study session only for cigarette smokers. I took the session for a semester and learned a lot more than I used to know about smoking cigarettes. Also I have helped my friends to quit smoking with the knowledge I have been taught. Audience Relevancy Statement: I believe this topic is relevant to the audience, because some of classmates may have parents who smoke, or some friends who smoke. They may want to help those smokers to quit, but they do not really know what to do for helping them to quit smoking. This is going to be a good chance to learn how to help quitting smoking to both smoker and non-smoker. Attention Gather: (Showing calculation of money save by quitting smoking) It would give an idea to audience how much money people spend on cigarettes for their lifetime. Introduction I. Quitting smoking saves more than your money. A.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  It saves your health and your healthy life. a.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Your body functions better without smoking. b.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  It reduces your risk of getting cancer. B.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  It provides more benefits to other people around you. a.  Ã‚  Ã‚  &...

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Media and Juvenile Delinquency

Mass media refers to the impersonal channels used to disseminate information to the public.   The information is meant for public consumption and not for personal consumption.   There are a number of channels used which include radio, newspaper, motion pictures and television.   Media is used mostly to portray cultural values and beliefs through the articles and programmes contained in them. (Travis, 2000)   For instance, through the media, national public days are aired; local shows with local touch are aired, as well as sports programs.   In addition, some societal values regarding patriotism, religious and motherhood are shown.Some sub-cultural patterns that have to do with the policeman, business executive or juvenile delinquency are shown via the media to all the people of the community or the mass society.Right from young age to the old age, the members of society are frequently bombarded by the type of stimuli which is presented in a number of mass media. (Travis, 20 00) Mass media’s perverseness is usually reflected in the statistics which are in circulation.   Studies have shown that around 5.000,000 copies if television guides are sold every week and millions of people have access to newspapers. (Joseph, 1975)From this wide dissemination of these articles, the social scientists and the laymen have become interested to find out what type of consequences those media have on human behavior and especially the children.   To be more specific, most parents have deep desire to find out the impact some books on crime and movie dramas have on young children. (Michael, 1999)On the other hand, the advertisers want to find out if their products advertised on the media are selling or not.   Unfortunately, there have been very little scientific studies of the specific impact of mass media on how they motivate humans.   Paul Lazarsfeld, an outstanding researcher on the effect of mass media on the behavior of human, gave his testimony and pres ented it before senate subcommittee in charge of investigating Juvenile delinquency.   He reported that very little is known concerning the kind of impact media has on young children.(Travis 2000)   He therefore appealed for more scientific research to be done to replace impressionistic evidence which has been quoted by some lay individuals. (Joseph, 1975)The Effects Media Has On Juvenile DelinquencyMedia has been accused many times of contributing to the juvenile delinquency.   The lawlessness which is more prevalent among the young people is mostly associated with media.   There are no restrictions placed on the youth and therefore they can access books, television programs, and pornographic magazines at will.   As a result, their way of thinking and acting has been seriously affected. (Rodney, 1990) For instance, action packed movies; detective programs which are full of crimes have a way of training young people on the effective ways of robbery, violence and murder.As a result so many cases have been received regarding youth who have been arrested for committing robbery.   There has been an increase to the crime content, sadism, horror as well as brutality in most comic books, motion pictures and television programs.(Robert, 2001)   The three types of media according to most critics deserve special attention.   They also served as a special focus for senate subcommittee in charge of investigating juvenile delinquency from the year 1954 to 1956. (Michael, 1999)Television, radio, comic books and motion pictures films have been named as significant factors contributing to juvenile delinquency.   The presentation of horror, crime and sequences of brutality is imputed in movies and more so by the lay observers, to be partly to blame for the current juvenile delinquency. (Rodney, 1990) Other effects are moral decadence as a result of watching pornographic movies and reading pornographic magazines.Many young people can be found at the brothels a nd others acts of prostitution.   There are so many dancing styles which have come as a result of the media influence, which can also be called ‘dirty dancing styles’. (Joseph, 1975)The values which have been traditionally believed in no longer matter, whatever young people see on TV are what they tend to believe in more. (Michael, 1999)According top early delinquency researchers, they were only interested with the effect the motion pictures had on the youth.   Cyril Burt made a report around 1925 that approximately eight percent of the delinquent boys had deep interests in motion pictures.   Burt’s report in the film reveals the techniques used to commit crimes as well as crimes which have been positively advertised.   Other studies on delinquents were made by Bronner and Healy. (Rodney, 1990)According to their study regarding non delinquents and delinquents in Boston and Detroit around the 1930, they revealed that the largest number of delinquents were frequent attendees of movies and films. (Michael, 1999) There were reports however, that very small number of delinquents had imitated the techniques used to commit crimes that they had seen on screens.   From the way Bronner and Healy treated movies in their studies the conclusion to be made is that they dismissed films as inconsequential as far as juvenile delinquency is concerned. (Robert, 2001)Other studies were done by Hauser and Blumer, on the impact the films and motion pictures had on juvenile delinquency.   The studies were conducted under auspices of Payne Fund for a period of four years from 1929-1932.   The studies were done by psychologists and sociologists from the university and their aim was to establish the impact motion pictures had on children’s psychological, physical and social behavior. (Rodney, 1990) The most interesting study about delinquency made by Bulmer and Hauser (Sociologists) was from entitled delinquency, movies and crime. (Joseph, 1975) The focus was on the role of motion pictures in the careers of female and male delinquents as well as criminals.   The impact of films on inmates in the rehabilitation centers and non-delinquents girls and boys was also made.   The findings however, were definitive and conclusive and should not be dismissed as rough estimations.   (Michael, 1999)It was obvious that individuals will always perceive the content in the film and make interpretations of the meaning based on the experiences they have had previously on socialization as well as the unique personality they have. (Michael, 1999)   Motion pictures therefore exert effects described as antithetical.   The conventional behavior while in some, they may be more inclined to participate in crime and delinquency.   (Rodney, 1990)According to Blumer and Hauser, the effect of movies, TV program and other media cannot be studied without studying the people watching them.     There is always an interaction between the cont ent of the film and those viewing them. (Joseph, 1975) Blumer further said that films were a significant factor in delinquent and criminal careers of around 10% of males and 25% of females studied.   To conclude their studies, Blumer and Hauser observed that those kids who are more exposed to movies are more inclined to delinquent behavior. (Robert, 2001)A study was made by Paul Cressey on the effect of media on the juvenile delinquency.   He made conclusions which were opposing those ones of Hauser and Blumer.   His study was made in New York City believed to be high delinquency area.   After making a number of observations under conditions which were controlled, Cressey made the conclusion that movies and motion pictures lacked appreciable effect on juvenile delinquency. (Michael, 1999)ConclusionIt is obvious that media has influenced the behavior of the youth in so many ways.   The dressing styles and hip hop styles are largely influenced by the media.   The situation has been made worse by the number of channels that are currently accessible in the comfort of one’s living room.   Regardless of the perspectives that are given by the researchers, we can also make our own observations and narrate our own personal experiences. (Joseph, 1975)First hand information is gotten from the media.   Wrestling techniques are also received from the television.   Despite the warnings that media gives its audience such as ‘not suitable for a person below 15,18 or 20 years’ it is still not adequate to keep off the youth. (Rodney, 1990) Even airing these programs very late at night is still not enough, because some kids stay up late.   It is the moral obligation of the media to censor programs being aired or air only those shows which cannot affect the youth negatively. (Michael, 1999)This move will go along way in reducing the juvenile delinquency currently witnessed and especially at homes.   Children have disrespected their parent s and use vulgar language without understanding the implications. (Michael, 1999) The overuse of derogatory remarks and crazy styles of dressing have made the world difficult to live in.   The erosion of moral values and failure of media to give us the role models who can be emulated by the children has largely contributed to juvenile delinquency. (Joseph, 1975)There is no middle ground.The fact of the matter is juvenile delinquency is made worse by the motion pictures among other types of media. (Travis, 2000) Talk show should replace programs which are full of scenes of violence so that virtues and societal values can be inculcated among the youth.However, we cannot deny that media has had positive impact in terms of the news channels and a host of other entertainment programs but it may not earn credit that it deserves if more of the programs that impact negatively on the youth continue to be aired. (Michael, 1999)The mass media should therefore present to the audience and the public at large, particularistic cultural norms.   There should also be other forms of recreational facilities and thus the children would not be so much into TV. (Rodney, 1990)The internet which has also become a vital part of media should also be censored since the youth can access any information they want and hence controlling juvenile delinquency has become increasingly challenging.   A better society is achievable if measures are taken to reduce juvenile delinquency, through censoring information disseminated by media. (Michael, 1999)ReferencesJoseph, S. (1975) Juvenile Delinquency, Ayer Company Publishers, 2nd EditionMichael, J. (1999) Age, Sex and the Versatility of Delinquent Involvement, Palgrave   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Press, US.Rodney, S. (1990) Deviant Places: A theory of the Ecology of Crime, Harvard Press, US.Robert, J. (2001) Social Disorganization and Theories of Crime and Delinquency, New York Publishers, US.Travis, H (2000) A Control Theory of Delinquency, Palgrave P ress, UK

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Analysis of John Keats’ “On the Sonnet” Essay

In John Keats’ â€Å"On the Sonnet,† he urges fellow poets to not let their poetic genius, their â€Å"Muse† die, because it is confined to the parameters of then-current Petrarchan and Shakespearean sonnet forms. While he follows neither form, (thus requiring further analysis to determine the logic of his poem), his use of symbolism makes his message more than clear. He starts the poem with an allusion to Andromeda, â€Å"who, according to Greek myth, was chained to a rock so that she would be devoured by a sea monster† (Norton 799). He uses this image to represent the fate of poetry, if it follows the unsatisfactory form of either Petrarchan or Shakespearean sonnets. This image is portrayed in the first three lines, â€Å"If by dull rhymes our English must be chained, /And like Andromeda, the sonnet sweet /Fettered, in spite of pain and loveliness,† which can be translated as â€Å"If our poetry must be confined by the current sonnet forms, and face the fate of Andromeda, despite our careful attention†¦[then†¦].† The second clause of the thought introduced in lines one through three, the implied â€Å"then,† is found in lines four through nine. Keats writes, â€Å"Let us find, if we must be constrained, /Sandals more interwoven and complete /To fit the naked foot of Poesy: /Let us inspect the lyre, and weigh the stress /Of every chord, and see what may be gained /By ear industrious, and attention meet.† According to the footnote provided in Norton, Poesy refers to a need voiced in a letter, in which Keats wrote out this poem and then discussed his â€Å"impatience with the traditional Petrarchan and Shakespearean sonnet forms: ‘I have been endeavoring to discover a better sonnet stanza than we have.'† The word â€Å"lyre† can mean â€Å"harp,† but can also be a symbol for â€Å"lyric poetry,† and â€Å"chord† can mean â€Å"a string of a musical instrument, such as a harp,† but can also refer to poetry, according to the Oxford English Dictionary. With this in mind, lines four through nine can be interpreted to mean, â€Å"[if we must be chained like this], then let’s find intricately woven sandals, (symbolic of new, undiscovered sonnet forms; Keats’ â€Å"need†), to fulfill my need: let’s inspect the harp (symbolic of lyric poetry), and listen to every chord (continuing the metaphor of the  harp, chords are symbolic of lines within lyric poetry), and let’s see what we can accomplish through careful listening and attention.† Finally, in the last five lines of the sonnet, Keats directly addresses his fellow poets as â€Å"misers,† which has a double meaning. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, â€Å"misers† means â€Å"poets,† but it also means â€Å"miserable people.† This intentional word pun expresses Keats’ view that poets are currently miserable, because of the inadequacy of the current sonnet forms. In lines ten through fourteen, he writes, â€Å"Misers of sound and syllable, no less /Than Midas of his coinage, let us be /Jealous of dead leaves in the bay-wreath crown; /So, if we may not let the Muse be free, /She will be bound with garlands of her own.† Midas was a king who had the power to turn everything that he touched into gold. According to Norton, â€Å"jealous† meant â€Å"suspiciously watchful.† Also, in reference to â€Å"the bay-wreath crown,† according to the sixth footnote, â€Å"The bay tree was sacred to Apollo, god of poetry, and bay wreaths came to symbolize true poetic achievement. The withering of the bay tree is sometimes considered an omen of death.† Keats continued the thought, implying that when the leaves of the bay-wreath crown, which represents â€Å"true poetic achievement,† begin to die, they are a warning of death to that very piece of poetry. Finally â€Å"Muse† refers to a poet’s inspiration, which may be killed once it is â€Å"bound† by the dying leaves (garland) of the bay-wreath crown,† which is accomplished by not using one’s Muse to its fullest creative potential. These lines can thus be translated as â€Å"Fellow miserable/ frustrated poets, let’s be ‘suspiciously watchful’ of omens of death to our poetry; if we do not let our inspiration run free, it will die too.† John Keats, obviously disillusioned by the available forms through which to write poetry, expresses his dissatisfaction in his sonnet, â€Å"On the Sonnet.† Because he uses an ambiguous, unidentifiable sonnet form, instead of the Shakespearean or the Petrarchan sonnet forms, the integrity of his argument is not undermined. In this way, not only does he express his hatred for the current sonnet forms, but refuses to use them as he communicates this frustration in his own sonnet.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

WWII Death Marches From Concentration Camps

WWII Death Marches From Concentration Camps Late in the war, the tide had turned against the Germans. The Soviet Red Army was reclaiming territory as they pushed the Germans back. As the Red Army was heading for Poland, the Nazis needed to hide their crimes. Mass graves were dug up and the bodies burned. The camps were evacuated. Documents destroyed. The prisoners that were taken from the camps were sent on what became known as Death Marches (Todesmrsche). Some of these groups were marched hundreds of miles. The prisoners were given little to no food and little to no shelter. Any prisoner who lagged behind or who tried to escape was shot. Evacuation By July 1944, Soviet troops had reached the border of Poland. Although the Nazis had attempted to destroy evidence, in Majdanek (a concentration and extermination camp just outside of Lublin on the Polish border), the Soviet Army captured the camp nearly intact. Almost immediately, a Polish-Soviet Nazi Crimes Investigation Commission was established. The Red Army continued to move through Poland. The Nazis started to evacuate and destroy their concentration camps from east to west. The first major death march was the evacuation of approximately 3,600 prisoners from a camp on Gesia Street in Warsaw (a satellite of the Majdanek camp). These prisoners were forced to march over 80 miles in order to reach Kutno. About 2,600 survived to see Kutno. The prisoners that were still alive were packed onto trains, where several hundred more died. Out of the 3,600 original marchers, less than 2,000 reached Dachau 12 days later.1 On the Road When the prisoners were evacuated they werent told where they were going. Many wondered whether they going out to a field to be shot? Would it be better to try to escape now? How far would they be marching? The SS organized the prisoners into rows usually five across and into a large column. The guards were on the outside of the long column, with some in the lead, some on the sides, and a few in the rear. The column was forced to march - often at a run. For prisoners who were already starved, weak, and ill, the march was an incredible burden. An hour would go by. They kept on marching. Another hour would go by. The marching continued. As some prisoners could no longer march, they would fall behind. The SS guards in the rear of the column would shoot anyone who stopped to rest or collapsed. Elie Wiesel Recounts I was putting one foot in front of the other mechanically. I was dragging with me this skeletal body which weighed so much. If only I could have got rid of it! In spite of my efforts not to think about it, I could feel myself as two entities - my body and me. I hated it. (Elie Wiesel) The marches took prisoners on back roads and through towns. Isabella Leitner Remembers I have a curious, unreal feeling. One of almost being part of the grayish dusk of the town. But again, of course, you will not find a single German who lived in Prauschnitz who ever saw a single one of us. Still, we were there, hungry, in rags, our eyes screaming for food. And no one heard us. We ate the smell of smoked meats reaching our nostrils, blowing our way from the various shops. Please, our eyes screamed, give us the bone your dog has finished gnawing. Help us live. You wear coats and gloves just like human beings do. Arent you human beings? What is underneath your coats? (Isabella Leitner) Surviving the Holocaust Many of the evacuations occurred during the winter. From Auschwitz, 66,000 prisoners were evacuated on January 18, 1945. At the end of January 1945, 45,000 prisoners were evacuated from Stutthof and its satellite camps. In the cold and snow, these prisoners were forced to march. In some cases, the prisoners marched for a long duration and were then loaded onto trains or boats. Elie Wiesel, Holocaust Survivor We were given no food. We lived on snow; it took the place of bread. The days were like nights, and the nights left the dregs of their darkness in our souls. The train was traveling slowly, often stopping for several hours and then setting off again. It never ceased snowing. All through these days and nights we stayed crouching, one on top of the other, never speaking a word. We were no more than frozen bodies. Our eyes closed, we waited merely for the next stop, so that we could unload our dead. (Elie Wiesel)

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

20 Verbs Smothered by Bes

20 Verbs Smothered by Bes 20 Verbs Smothered by â€Å"Be†s 20 Verbs Smothered by â€Å"Be†s By Mark Nichol Below are phrases in which a form of â€Å"to be† plus an adjective (or a preposition and a noun) and, often, a preposition can easily be replaced by a simple form of the verb (occasionally accompanied by a preposition), resulting in a more concise statement: 1. Before: â€Å"She is able (or unable) to think for herself.† After: â€Å"She can (or cannot) think for herself.† 2. Before: â€Å"This rule is applicable to both scenarios.† After: â€Å"This rule applies to both scenarios.† 3. Before: â€Å"They are authorized (or empowered) to speak on our behalf.† After: â€Å"They may speak on our behalf.† 4. Before: â€Å"The company is benefited by this policy.† After: â€Å"The company benefits from this policy.† 5. Before: â€Å"The agreement is binding upon both parties.† After: â€Å"The agreement binds both parties.† 6. Before: â€Å"The compound is derived from a chemical reaction.† After: â€Å"The compound derives from a chemical reaction.† 7. Before: â€Å"We are desirous of your reply.† After: â€Å"We desire your reply.† 8. Before: â€Å"She is in agreement with us.† After: â€Å"She agrees with us.† 9. Before: â€Å"He will be in attendance at the event.† After: â€Å"He will attend the event.† 10. Before: â€Å"Their behavior is indicative of what you can expect from them.† After: â€Å"Their behavior indicates what you can expect of them.† 11. Before: â€Å"He is in error in his account of the incident.† After: â€Å"He errs in his account of the incident.† 12. Before: â€Å"It was in existence at that moment.† After: â€Å"It existed at that moment.† 13. Before: â€Å"She is influential on his artistic style.† After: â€Å"She influences his artistic style.† 14. Before: â€Å"I am in possession of some incriminating evidence.† After: â€Å"I hold some incriminating evidence.† (In this case, â€Å"I possess . . .† in place of â€Å"I am in possession of . . .† would imply ownership, not temporary possession, which is what the original sentence implies.) 15. Before: â€Å"My colleague is in receipt of the document.† After: â€Å"My colleague received the document.† 16. Before: â€Å"The mechanism will soon be operative.† After: â€Å"The mechanism will soon operate.† 17. Before: â€Å"The company was in violation of several regulations.† After: â€Å"The company violated several regulations.† 18. Before: â€Å"The committee was productive of a thorough report.† After: â€Å"The committee produced a thorough report.† 19. Before: â€Å"This advertising campaign will be effectively promotive of the product.† After: â€Å"This advertising campaign will effectively promote the product.† 20. Before: â€Å"We are supportive of your efforts.† After: â€Å"We support your efforts.† Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Grammar category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:How Many Tenses in English?Work of Art TitlesHow often is "bimonthly"?

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Fighting for His Views Ron Paul 2012 Research Paper

Fighting for His Views Ron Paul 2012 - Research Paper Example Another one furthered that comment by saying: â€Å"There are few people in public life who, through thick and thin, rain or shine, stick to their principles. Ron Paul is one of those few.† (About Ron Paul No pg) Ron Paul has always upheld the constitution and he believes that Americans must face the harsh realities of the world. He believed that we need to tackle our problems using the principles of our forefathers which form the basis on which our great nation was built (Potter No pg). Pittsburgh was the birth place of Ron Paul and he was raised there as well. He grew up to become an obstetrician/gynecologist with more than 4000 deliveries under his belt. Furthermore, Ron married Carol Wells in 1957 and has been with her since. He is fathering five children with her. He has been active in politics for almost 50 years now and his views and ideals have not wavered an inch over these years. He is consistent, trustworthy and real and he is one of the most famous Presidential can didate for the elections of 2012(Potter No pg). Paul believes in the integrity of the Constitution and that is why he so vehemently opposes any act that encroaches on the freedom and privacy of American people. This is a refreshing change of pace for Americans who so far have only witnessed politicians who talk about honoring the constitution but completely ignore it when it does not fit their agenda. Ron Paul may not be as polished as other candidates but he likes to keep it real and this has been the reason for him fame. He says what he really believes in his heart and no amount of motivation can get him to change his beliefs. One of his followers sums it up best when she says: â€Å"What Ron Paul started is not going to go away. Republicans are in the midst of deciding what the GOP really is. He’s the only one standing on principles. And those principles are going to outlive Ron Paul.† (Potter No pg) Ron Paul’s thoughts and beliefs arise from the wide range o f experiences he has had over his long and colorful life. During the 1960’s, he worked for the Air Force of the United States as a Flight Surgeon. During his long and illustrious career as an obstetrician/gynecologist; he never once felt the need to perform an abortion, not even to save a woman’s life. He always found another way. This proved his strong conviction to uphold the sanctity of life. As a President, he will continue to fight for his pro-life beliefs that he has upheld in Congress throughout the years (Ron Paul on the Issues No pg). America is light years behind the rest of the world when it comes to health care. Our bureaucrats continue to force upon us their one-size-fits-all policies that will never lower costs or increase access for the common American. Paul plans on changing all that once he becomes President. According to Paul, the most effective strategy for ensuring better medical care is to ensure an effective doctor-patient relationship. Ron Paul w ill put health care decisions back into the public’s hands. He promises to remove unnecessary legislation, corrupt mandates, and thoughtless incentives and create a system where everyone can get the necessary health care (Ron Paul on the Issues No pg). Ron Paul is just as sick of the rising economic malaise as the rest of Americans. He is against the growing inflation, higher gas prices, huge budget deficits and completely immoral bailouts

Friday, November 1, 2019

Knowledge, Truth, Belief Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

Knowledge, Truth, Belief - Assignment Example We know that when someone dies, they are gone forever. We don’t see the people who have died. They’re put in the ground, and we know that there is no possibility of ever seeing them alive again. Death is the ultimate reality that gives life meaning—because we know that once we’re dead, there may be some astral traveling to various yugas, but that life is the ultimate experience with realia. 2. One of the more contentious points in Descartes argument centers around the claim that God must necessarily exist because he is a perfect being, and a perfect being would not lack the attribute of existence. When this argument was first posed by St. Anselm in 1078, (almost 560 years earlier) a contemporary of Anselms, a monk named Gaulino, parodied this argument by suggesting that if someone could conceive of a "perfect island" then this perfect island must exist somewhere, since the idea of a non-existent perfect island (much like a non-existent but perfect God) would represent an inconsistency in ones thinking. Is Gaulino correct when he suggests that this kind of argument seems to open the door for the (somewhat sudden) existence of all kinds of entities so long as we conceive of them as being perfect? Explain. Descartes’s assertion that all entities exist because they are perfect produces a troubling difficulty that cannot be immediately remedied. As Descartes said himself, even he had doubts about certain issues. â€Å"All that I have, up to this moment, accepted as possessed of the highest truth and certainty, I received either from or through the senses. I observed, however, that these sometimes misled us†¦Ã¢â‚¬ 1 He is admitting, then, that the senses can deceive one when conceptualizing philosophical ideas. This doesn’t make him an expert, then, when he says that everything that truly exists has to be perfect—because we all know that there are many things in the world that do indeed